52词语>英语词典>put option翻译和用法

put option

英 [pʊt ˈɒpʃn]

美 [pʊt ˈɑːpʃn]

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  • the option to sell a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date
    1. an option to sell


      • This paper mainly discusses the option risk problem, the strategy used to hedge the portfolio by means of the index put option, and the conditions under which the strategy is adopted.
      • The European put option period subject to the mortgage loan repayments to decide.
      • Put option pricing numerical method through parallel computing to achieve a recent relatively new also hotter studies, in which backward stochastic differential equations using method of realization option pricing, is higher, with show calculation accuracy of financial market closest one way.
      • In the second chapter, we study the relevant option pricing theories based on the stochastic interest rates under the stock dividends payments, which finally leads to the call option pricing model, the put option pricing model and the compound option pricing model.
      • The pricing models of gap options are studied, and the pricing formulas of the European gap options under risk-neutral valuation are given. It is shown that there is no put-call parity ralation between gap call option and put option.
      • This article will put option model use into the solvency analysis of property-liability insurance.
      • The Research on Bidding Strategies of Generation Companies Based on American Put Option Contracts
      • From the structure of barrier options, call option and put option is the same as the terms.
      • The American put valuation problem is very important and complicated in the Option Pricing Theory ( OPT), and so far the appropriate continuous-time pricing model and compact valuation formula for the American put option have not been found.
      • The act of purchasing an "in the money" put option so that the buyer can capitalize on a bear market by effectively shorting a stock without waiting for an uptick.